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Just me and my thoughts, most of them silly.

Location: brisbane, queensland, Australia

I am a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a friend. Sometimes I am good at these things, sometimes I am not.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Next part of trip

Okay due to the instability of this app the last post was just the rest of Melbourne.
We then hit the yarra valley, got some nice cider from punt road, some yummy cheese from yarra valley and some good wine from sticks winery (they had a new tasting room with a nice veranda)

Dropped in at baileys of glen Rowan winery and drove to Holbrook where we stayed the night, it was too cold to leave the car for photos in the morning but they had a submarine.

Canberra was fun caught up with friends there, went to pizzaz and the silo bakery, did the markets and cooked ragu, went to matt's favourite kitchen store in Kingston. Found a cute bookstore with a cubbyhole hole for kids.

Then skiing in perisher....

Xander turned one while we were there and Kate and Adam gave him presents - they were very organized!

Rest of holiday

Well here is the rest of our holiday, as per iPhone photos... Hopefully this app won't keep quoting and deleting my post like it did on the trip....
Okay well it's already done it once....
Later after the zoo, we walked down to see Fi at work

After which we enjoyed a lovely dinner at hardware lane with Tim and Fi

The next day we went to the aquarium (via the camera museum - sneaky daddy) and it was a hit!

Xander fell asleep after lunch

Then we dropped Xander at tim and fi's and went on a date (thanks tim and fi!)

I had duck, matt had the bunny of the day. When we got back Tim worked on Zoolander expressions whilst putting ?sugru? On the bottom of his cup

The next day was for shopping...

Xander started pretty sleepy and after a big walk over at bridge st, a nice lunch, we hit a wall when the campers store in town was shut, we went back to the hotel got our car and drove to the suburbs, our efforts did not go unrewarded.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Started writing this yesterday, but Xander wanted to play, so I stopped. Yesterday my son turned one. My gorgeous boy with his deep brown eyes the always bring him admiring comments. He is intelligent and curious, playful and cheeky, he cuddles and kisses, he throws tantrums, he walks, he has a few words (pointed at a power point and told kate "no" during the week), he has little hair and two teeth. He loves people and smiles readily, he can get so absorbed in playing that he will shake his head and push you away if you interrupt. His smile melts your heart and his laughter recharges your spirit. He has brought more joy and wonderment into our lives then I thought imaginable. Happy birthday Xander.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Melbourne zoo

Xander loved the fish

Tried to kiss them through the glass. Screamed when we took him away.

Loved the golden pheasant

Made sure I saw it, screamed when we moved on.

These wooden elephants were fun

It got serious at times

They tasted good. He through another tantrum when we left there...

But I gave him a biscuit.

Unfortunately he flaked out before the reptile house.

Mostly used my proper camera not the phone for this, so more photos when I get access to that.


A picture paints at least the five it so words I'd have to say, so here is Xander (and also featuring the puppets lent to us by Nest Nappies at Paddington) on our roadtrip to melbourne.


Ten minutes after we left home.


Narromine, just stood in front of the trangie sign as matt's memories of trangie were so fond

The shows are a bit interesting in narrendera


Stop revive survive in Finley at the firestation.

Finally in Melbourne enjoying a good coffee and fighting over menus.

Monday, July 05, 2010


Strangely the night before he used his right hand to eat quite exclusively, tonight the left mostly but not exclusively.

Sunday, July 04, 2010


I sat there eating my piece of lindt 70% equadorian cocoa chocolate with my next little piece beside me ready to go. Xander walked up spotted it and decided to have a go. I told matt it was ok, Xander wouldn't like it. I was wrong....