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Just me and my thoughts, most of them silly.

Location: brisbane, queensland, Australia

I am a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a friend. Sometimes I am good at these things, sometimes I am not.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Call for Fingers

My fingers are too small. I need new ones. Does anyone have some they don't need? It's nothing personal against my itty-bitty useless fingers, but they're not quite good enough for the job I need them for. I'm there today trying to "bag and mask" which requires a one hand hold over the mask and the patients chin, and the other hand for the bag. So i've got my little finger under the angle of the jaw, my ring finger half way a long the jaw, and my middle finger holding their chin up. With these three fingers I'm supposed to keep these heavy headed unconscious' peoples head in a good position. My remaining two fingers are over the mask, trying to keep a perfect seal.... but my fingers are tiny and they're stretched as far as they can stretch to bridge all these gaps. This seems to sap them of strength, so that after a few minutes, the person's chin is sneaking back down towards their chest rather then held aloft, and I can hear the air "farting" between the persons chee
k and the mask. As you can clearly see, I have a good case for new fingers (I mean I thought the skin between the fingers was going to crack and the fingers spread further away from each other in their impossible effort to hold positions that are ridiculous for the small hand).

You may ask why I've bothered to tell you about my small finger dilemma at all... It's because I'M BORED OUT OF MY BRAIN! Where is everyone today!!! Normally I'd just go home, but I've got to meet some person I don't know at lunch, it won't be good if I don't turn up. Although I have this sudden fear, we said we'd meet at "lunchtime".... Seems pretty random, doesn't it? Hopefully I'll locate them....

Well the hunger calls, I must go off on a search of something a little more fulfilling then my mandarin.....

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

arbitrary scales

You held my life in your hands
And measured the weight of it's value
And found it lacking
But your hands are arbitrary scales
And are not fit for judgement
What is heavy one day
Is light the next
Depending on your weakness
Depending on your strength

And I am unsure of a fairer measure
For surely all our hands are such
So who can measure life
And say this is worthy
This is not
Where are the scales
Upon which my soul can rest
And know its measure is felt
In truth, mercy and justice


a skeleton ran past me yesterday
Like it's bones were on fire
It tried to burn away the last flesh
Unaware that all that remained was cloth
Shorts that dangled like they were
hanging from a clothes line
A shirt that barely concealed
Ribs crumbling from the neglect
Of never knowing flesh

And I wondered why it still ran
Or even, how it still ran
Whether it had enough substance
To know about joy and love
And then I kept walking
And the workman turned to stare
At the skeleton with clothes

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

testing 1,2,3

Just testing out the thing where you can email posts to your website...

the naughty

I have been naughty again. Here I am in the library when I ought to be in theatre. I don't know why I didn't go. It's just a pain I suppose to change into scrubs. Then wander around looking for the theatre your supposed to be in, then stand against a wall to make sure you're not in anybody's way. It's all a bit silly. The worst bit is I'm finding it hard to make myself do any study..... So I'm just surfing the web. I really should go sit at one of those desks without a computer, grab a textbook, and do some work in my "workbook". Grr.

burning hands

Well last night, seeing as barely anyone could make it to pizza, matt and I cooked noodles and kate came over to our house. I had some big chillies that needed to go into the diner, so I cut them up etc. Normally big chillies aren't that hot (more capsicum like). Not so this time. My hands burnt ALL night. they were absolutely killing me. I was washing them with soap, soaking them in milk. Keeping them in an icebath. I looked quite ridiculous. But they really, really, really hurt! We went out to coffee after dinner, and it hurt too much to hold my coffee cup, I had to drink my coffee through a straw! How stupid is that! Anyway.... I think it'll be someone elses job to cut up the chillies next time. I can't explain how much they hurt. It's hard to believe they're still there. They're all better this morning, but during the night, my thumb would occasionally wake me up because it was burning.