Working Mother
I am a working mother. I went back early. This does not make me less of a mother then you. This does not mean I don't love Xander. So on behalf of all working mother's out there, let me make this very clear.
My reasons?
Well if I don't say money, the rest of this will seem dishonest. I like to go out for coffee, I like to buy cool things for Xander, I am locked into a government grant that I would have to pay back if I didn't work. I wanted the money.
I love being a mother, far more then I ever expected. I love Xander. But being a mother is not all of who I am. Lots of people can be a stay at home parent and do a wonderful job and do it without becoming a one dimensional person who can't think outside of that role. I am not one of those people, I needed, to keep myself sane, and therefore to be a good mother, outside interests. I don't play sport, I'm not especially arty, work is to me, what your hobbies are to you. I enjoy it, it's stimulating, it's a challenge. Xander is all those things as well, but much like how I'm often reading more then one book at one given time, I like to have a few things going on.
My gorgeous boy knows who I am, has a healthy, but not overdeveloped sense of stranger danger. He goes to daycare, he plays with other children, he plays with different toys. He doesn't seem distressed by this system. He is a happy loving baby, who is meeting his developmental mile stones.
I think every parent must make the choice that's right for them and their baby.
End Rant
My reasons?
Well if I don't say money, the rest of this will seem dishonest. I like to go out for coffee, I like to buy cool things for Xander, I am locked into a government grant that I would have to pay back if I didn't work. I wanted the money.
I love being a mother, far more then I ever expected. I love Xander. But being a mother is not all of who I am. Lots of people can be a stay at home parent and do a wonderful job and do it without becoming a one dimensional person who can't think outside of that role. I am not one of those people, I needed, to keep myself sane, and therefore to be a good mother, outside interests. I don't play sport, I'm not especially arty, work is to me, what your hobbies are to you. I enjoy it, it's stimulating, it's a challenge. Xander is all those things as well, but much like how I'm often reading more then one book at one given time, I like to have a few things going on.
My gorgeous boy knows who I am, has a healthy, but not overdeveloped sense of stranger danger. He goes to daycare, he plays with other children, he plays with different toys. He doesn't seem distressed by this system. He is a happy loving baby, who is meeting his developmental mile stones.
I think every parent must make the choice that's right for them and their baby.
End Rant