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Just me and my thoughts, most of them silly.

Location: brisbane, queensland, Australia

I am a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a friend. Sometimes I am good at these things, sometimes I am not.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Working Mother

I am a working mother. I went back early. This does not make me less of a mother then you. This does not mean I don't love Xander. So on behalf of all working mother's out there, let me make this very clear.

My reasons?
Well if I don't say money, the rest of this will seem dishonest. I like to go out for coffee, I like to buy cool things for Xander, I am locked into a government grant that I would have to pay back if I didn't work. I wanted the money.

I love being a mother, far more then I ever expected. I love Xander. But being a mother is not all of who I am. Lots of people can be a stay at home parent and do a wonderful job and do it without becoming a one dimensional person who can't think outside of that role. I am not one of those people, I needed, to keep myself sane, and therefore to be a good mother, outside interests. I don't play sport, I'm not especially arty, work is to me, what your hobbies are to you. I enjoy it, it's stimulating, it's a challenge. Xander is all those things as well, but much like how I'm often reading more then one book at one given time, I like to have a few things going on.

My gorgeous boy knows who I am, has a healthy, but not overdeveloped sense of stranger danger. He goes to daycare, he plays with other children, he plays with different toys. He doesn't seem distressed by this system. He is a happy loving baby, who is meeting his developmental mile stones.

I think every parent must make the choice that's right for them and their baby.

End Rant


Blogger Rach said...

Surely noone who reads this blog would judge you harshly for that!
I certainly don't think you love xander any less for going back - work is part of who you are, just like his presence is!
/support! (even if its in a very sporadic way)

8:24 pm  
Blogger elizabeth said...

How many stay-at-home parents have studied for 10+ years after school? You could argue that it would be irresponsible for you to be a full time SAHM when we currently have a medical workforce crisis.
Xander is awesome.
And actually, there was some study where they found the kids of mothers who work part-time had a healthier diet and less childhood obesity than either full-time working mothers or stay-at-home mothers.

8:17 am  
Anonymous Sally said...

It's tough being a working mum of any time (full or part) and it often feels like everyone's judging you (either you work too much, or sometimes they think full time isn't enough somehow). Just do what works for your family and tell them to get stuffed. If you made your decisions prayerfully, and discussed everything with cecil then tell them to get stuffed coz they're annoying idiots who should keep their opinions to themselves. (not that i've ever done that, i just feel like i should say it)

8:50 am  
Blogger Sarah said...

Have you ever copped it for being back at work already? That's crazy, especially since it's only part time and you obviously spend a lot of time with him!

In my mind the only time something's wrong is when circumstances mean a parent *doesn't* have a choice about whether to go to work or stay home.

2:17 pm  

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