I have discovered that acupuncture is probably not my cup of tea. When they suggested to us as part of our training course that we go to see an alternative therapist and then report back to the other Gp registrars on what we learnt and what it was like to be a patient etc. I looked at the list and thought "acupuncture, yep, people sticking needles into me, that sounds interesting and fun". Now some people have in the past told me you don't feel the needles going in. I'm here to tell you - you do.
In all fairness to the man giving me acupuncture, I did start to feel a bit anxious about the whole thing when he was putting needles in my back (didn't bother me when it was in my stomach, legs, wrist and ear). The ones in my back I felt - I really felt. He did lots of things like attaching electrodes etc and I do feel I didn't quite enjoy it as much as I thought I would. The next day I noticed I could feel a lump on my lower back, and it turns out I have a blue bruise. I guess he hit a little vessel. It is stilll there. Never mind.
One of the things I found interesting was the lack of medicolegal discussion. Were I to be doing a similar thing, I would be required to explain what I was going to do, explain the risks and benefits and obtain "informed consent" (verbally).
Enough prattling.
I hope when I next write that I will have many fun exciting tales to tell, as I am going skiing shortly. Will be offlline for two weeks. Talk to everyone next time!
In all fairness to the man giving me acupuncture, I did start to feel a bit anxious about the whole thing when he was putting needles in my back (didn't bother me when it was in my stomach, legs, wrist and ear). The ones in my back I felt - I really felt. He did lots of things like attaching electrodes etc and I do feel I didn't quite enjoy it as much as I thought I would. The next day I noticed I could feel a lump on my lower back, and it turns out I have a blue bruise. I guess he hit a little vessel. It is stilll there. Never mind.
One of the things I found interesting was the lack of medicolegal discussion. Were I to be doing a similar thing, I would be required to explain what I was going to do, explain the risks and benefits and obtain "informed consent" (verbally).
Enough prattling.
I hope when I next write that I will have many fun exciting tales to tell, as I am going skiing shortly. Will be offlline for two weeks. Talk to everyone next time!