Another year
It's a quiet new year's for me tonight. I have spent most of the weekend under the spell of panadol and aspirin - simple analgesics that work better then I suspected. I have a viral tonsillitis complete with headaches and malaise. I'm feeling much better today then I have the last three days and this evening am not under the influence of analgesia. Instead Matt and I are celebrating a quiet new year's eve. We have broken open the Moet that matt's aunt gave us and we are watching DVD's. We are currently trying to make up for a week of eating tonnes of food at christmas by having a week of "salads" so tonight I made a crunchy thai salad and we bought some grilled fish from the fish and chip place. It was a yummy dinner. Tomorrow I work 14 hours so I'm not planning a wild or late night. I hope everyone has a lovely night, whatever you plan on doing, and that you are with people you love. Must go, my icecream awaits (not really in the spirit of salad week, but we're celebrating!).