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Just me and my thoughts, most of them silly.

Location: brisbane, queensland, Australia

I am a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a friend. Sometimes I am good at these things, sometimes I am not.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

More Leunig

I have been reading my Michael Leunig books again. So rather then bore you too much with what's happening in my life, I thought I'd share someone else's insights into life with you.

From Michael Leunig's book "When I talk to you"

Dear God,

We struggle, we grow weary, we grow tired. We are exhausted, we are distressed, we despair. We give up, we fall down, we let go. We cry. We are empty, we grow calm, we are ready. We wait quietly.

A small, shy truth arrives. Arrives from without and within. Arrives and is born. Simple, steady, clear. Like a mirror, like a bell, like a flame. Like rain in summer. A precious truth arrives and is born within us. Within our emptiness.

We accept it, we observe it, we absorb it. We surrender to our bare truth. We are nourished, we are changed. We are blessed. We rise up.

For this we give thanks.



Sunday, June 28, 2009

Last week of work

Well I have one more week of work left before I stop work and rest or nest or somethingarather. I was going to keep working past next week as I was feeling so well that it didn't seem like stopping work was necessary, however I have decided I will stop after all. I still feel well, but I did have a little overnight stay in hospital last week to observe my blood pressure which was perfect in hospital, but had played up at the obstetricians a little... Anyway when I was back at work on friday, I got the impression that some people thought I should be at home resting given the recent hospital visit. I am following my obstetricians instructions and monitoring my BP twice a day and checking my urine for protein daily, and it has really been fine. However the hospital trip did motivate me to start washing all those baby clothes just in case!

I am re-reading "The Curly Pyjama Letters" by Michael Leunig. The first "entry" seems very appropriate.

Dear Mr. Curly,
I have not written to you for quite some time, I suppose because there has been very little to report. My journey appears to have developed into a process of steady plodding which I rather like. When you plod, everything seems to take forever and forever is a lovely thing once you stop being scared of it.

Strange, how something that takes a lot of time can give a feeling that there is a lot of time - and a lot of space and a good measure of ease. So onward I plod, through beautiful things and terrible things, too numerous to mention, with my duck ahead of me and my gargling angel to protect me from above. I am well and I hope you are too.

Best Wishes; yours truly,
Vasco Pyjama

PS Is it "gargling" angel or "guardian" angel? Somebody once suggested it should be "guardian" but I grew up believing it was "gargling" - "My gargling angel" and that's how I think of it. Oh well, whatever; it seems to care for me!
