Where I am at

Weather: Raining/Drizzling/Overcast
Eating: scrambled eggs with cheese, onion, salami and pepper on multigrain toast
Drinking: Monk's Blend Tea
Company: none
Music: Blind Melon - No Rain
"All I can say is that the Velvet Underground is great
And I'm sitting watching Puddles gather rain
And All I can do is just pour some tea for two
and maybe even speak my point of view
But it's not sane, no
It's not sane" -- No Rain by Blind Melon
Thoughts: It's quite a lovely day here in Melbourne, all overcast and cool. Probably I'll grab an umbrella or a coat and go for a walk, I need to get out of the house. Might walk up to the shops and buy some groceries for dinner, have lots of lettuce in the garden, so I might have some form of salad. Talking of lettuce in the garden, I have to recommend growing cos lettuce rather then the flatter kinds of lettuce. Because it grows up off the ground and it's leaves aren't so inclined to rest on the ground, I think it lends itself to pests less (apart from for some reason the stupid green aphids that were on the roses like to live at the centre of our lettuce, but they don't do too much damage). I was going to go for a walk and get a coffee, but then I remembered it's sunday and for some reason all the cafes around here seem to shut on a sunday. Now in Brisbane most cafes that have a day when they are shut, shut on Monday because on the weekend people are more inclined to want to go out to coffee. Which I think makes sense.
After my walk, if I'm feeling so inclined, I might clean the bathroom, I think it's time. It is littered with matches from lighting candles - we really need to get a bin in there, but it's such a small bathroom I'm not convinced there is room.
Music has changed: Blur - Out of Time "You've been so busy lately that you haven't found the time to open up your mind"
My hands feel so dry against the skin of my face, because I have to wash them so often. Everytime I go into the SCN (special care nursery) I have to wash my hands. Before I touch the babies, I use an alcohol based hand rub, after touching the baby, I use it again - I use it between every baby. I go to theatre, I scrub in - two hand washes of 2 mins each. There are four cases, I do this four times. I go to lunch, better wash my hands. I go see a "big kid" (ie not a neonate). I use the alcohol based hand rub. I see them. I wash my hands. I get home. I'd better wash my hands just in case I forgot at work. My hands need moisturiser, but it barely helps them - it can't be undone with one lot of moisturising.
I'm feeling random and disjointed
I think it's the rain
It changes my brain
Removes all the filters
Everything makes it through
Awash with everyday stimulus
Music has changed: Bob Dylan - house of the rising sun "Oh, Mother, tell your children, Not to do what I have done"
Had a sudden thought that there was a baby I did an admission on, on Friday, and that the consultant came and pulled me away for a ward round when I was only half way through my notes... Now there will be no sign that I actually did an examination on that baby... Woops.. I did examine them, but I didn't get to write it down. I don't know why that came to mind right now, but it's going to make me feel annoyed with myself all day. I hate realising I forgot to do something at work (although as far as forgetting things, writing notes is okay, it's not actually going to effect the pts care).
Well I'd better stop rambling on, my mother would say I have "verbal diarrhoea". I will put my shoes on and go walking.
Music appropriately just changed to: Semisonic - Closing Time "You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here"
"Company: none"
That's not entirely true, there are plenty of us out here who are visitors in spirit if not in body.
Another reason to grow your own lettuce - move here. If it's green and they can package it, it'll probably kill someone. Lettuce, spinach, who knows what's next. (Usually it's e-coli.)
I agree with Pitto:
You are never alone, honey we're there with you everys step of the way, in spirit if not anything else.
Yeah move here the seasons are awesome! It just snowed yesterday, all slushy outside now...Yey!
Thanks guys:)
move here (to add to everyone else's comments) - it's closer, and cheaper to fly to, and you have a job, and there's family and friends and "nephews". :)
i liked the songs interspersed.
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