Rain in Spring
I heard rain hitting my tin roof,
So I left my Grey's Anatomy
And I went outside to feel it
I laid down on the green grass
Of my backyard
Almost falling in my haste
To experience
And took off my shirt
I felt the drops hitting my body
I counted the ones that hit me in the mouth
What if I were a plant?
That needed this to survive
What would I be getting?
One, two, three drops
Seems like those numbers follow me
I hear a helicopter overhead
I hope they can't see me here
I'm back inside
So I left my Grey's Anatomy
And I went outside to feel it
I laid down on the green grass
Of my backyard
Almost falling in my haste
To experience
And took off my shirt
I felt the drops hitting my body
I counted the ones that hit me in the mouth
What if I were a plant?
That needed this to survive
What would I be getting?
One, two, three drops
Seems like those numbers follow me
I hear a helicopter overhead
I hope they can't see me here
I'm back inside
So now you've got me contemplating. Not so much about plants, but more about how people in my country seem to want to disconnect from anything real. They isolate themselves and sanitize anything they don't understand. We seem to be losing our sense of perspective, and that tends to sadden me.
I want a metal roof so I can hear when it rains. I want people to break out of their tiny, narrow little ruts and discover that there's a big world out there. Life is risk, without it you're a robot.
Pitto you rock!!!
I think you're so right, people here frown on being open, impulsive etc...
Kind of like" a man is an island" so doesn't work, you've got only one life *so I think* so live it up!
And I mean enjoy everyday things, listen for the rain freezing on your windows. Notice the seasons, enjoy a good botle of wine. Sky dive in my case:)Life is short so why save up to travel when you get older? I remember my parents loosing their home, longago it seams, and Mom saying" as long as my kids ar all well.." Things, money do they really matter as much as people think they do?
I want: next time I go home to fly into Paris, and see the Eifel tover at dusk...
I like wierd people...
The helicopter probably couldn't see you but what about all those satellites!
Sounds like you had a good night lovey. Sorry I couldn't talk to you a bit more. So cute you rang me when you were tipsy! Next time we should synchronise our tipsyness and have a rave about everything.
Ok so next time you girls get tippsy I want phone calls too:)
shoud exchange numbers?
I agree, definately a co-ordinated tipsyness event is in order.
Jenna - Have emailed my number and skype address, so we'd welcome you to to any tipsy phonecall event:)
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