Sometimes the borders between all the different countries are so meaningless, and sometimes they seem just as impossible as ever. How is it that if I want to buy a small little bottle of lemon oil in Australia the only time we've seen it in the shops it was $45 (almost impossible to locate) and if you look online in America it's $8??? Sadly they only ship to American addresses. I asked Matt how hard it would be to make our own lemon oil, but apparently it requires some huge number of lemons and some kind of special cold press or something - anyway not as easy as you imagine. Silly cake recipe!!!! I refuse to buy lemon oil at $45, I shall continue trying to find an alternative solution.
Very yummy butter milk lime spice cake with home-marinated figs surrounding, Matt could cook this cake, because it doesn't have lemon oil in it!!!
Very yummy butter milk lime spice cake with home-marinated figs surrounding, Matt could cook this cake, because it doesn't have lemon oil in it!!!

Would I get thrown in somebody's prison if I mailed you one?
'Cause you're right about that being stupid.
Maybe I'll ask the post office tomorrow.
Take Pitto up on his offer I reckon, I got twinkies from a blogger in the US awhile back and it was great!
Awww I miss you guys!! The price of that lemon oil is ridiculous, I wouldn't buy it either.
That cake looks yummy.
I'm just curious, but what does lemon oil do the overall taste of a cake? Is it more subtle than using lemon juice?
Hope you two are both well. :-)
Hi El,
I think Lemon oil is meant to be more intense than juice. You Use it instead of zest, from where the oil was extracted. It has two advantages over zest. One is that it can be on hand ready to go while zest can be hard to come by on the day that you need it. Secondly it gives the same flavour kick as zest without the texture change. Sometimes, I like the texture change, just like I might like the little black seeds from the Vanilla bean, but sometimes you want something smooth and velvety, for instance icing for a cake or a lemon chocolate truffle, and the zest is just a nuisance.
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