Not broken, just a wuss
Well my hand isn't broken. We took it out of it's cast and re-xrayed it and it is ok. Just a bad sprain. It was recovering nicely until today.. now i'm back to typing one handed. Had a lovely weekend camping and I got too excited and fell on it and tried to paddle a kayak with it and put up tents with it. Now I think it might be more swollen then it was originally and it is really sore again. I do think it was mostly falling on it that did the damage. I took pictures with my new camera, although mostly the water was too mirky for underwater stuff. Also we couldn't see under the water which made it very hard to aim the camera.
I'm going to have to put the photos up later as I seem to be having some blogger problem with putting up photos right now.
Much more excitingly, I am an aunt again. My talented S-I-L had a beautiful girl called Isabella.
Exhausted, am going to bed... Photos of fish, snakes, kangaroos and kayaking to follow another day. All that in one weekend.
I'm going to have to put the photos up later as I seem to be having some blogger problem with putting up photos right now.
Much more excitingly, I am an aunt again. My talented S-I-L had a beautiful girl called Isabella.
Exhausted, am going to bed... Photos of fish, snakes, kangaroos and kayaking to follow another day. All that in one weekend.
Now you're making me feel like I should get off my butt and get some exercise outdoors.
I don't have much around here worth taking pictures of though.
How did they know my mood?
sounds like a bad weekend with sore wrist and snakes. :|
Apart from the sore wrist it sounds like a heap of fun- can't wait to see the photos :)
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