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Just me and my thoughts, most of them silly.

Location: brisbane, queensland, Australia

I am a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a friend. Sometimes I am good at these things, sometimes I am not.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Last two weeks

Work has been interesting the last few weeks and I can't imagine why people think general practice is boring. Maybe one day it will all become boring to me, but at the moment, I never know what will come in the door. Don't judge me, but I'm practically relieved when someone comes in wanting a papsmear - I can do those! That's easy, I don't have to think about them. I admit those first few days I worked I worried it would all be tears and smears, but it's been different since then. Been a week of bad news for my patients. Had to tell someone they had advanced breast cancer, had to tell someone else they'd had a miscarriage (actually two of my patients had miscarriages), and a little 4 month old I sent up to the hospital, got transferred to ICU in brisbane. I tell you some days I feel like the grim reaper's messenger.

To all those kind people concerned about me, overall I'm doing okay. Trying not to wallow. Just feeling a little more introverted then normal, so if I seem less chatty, it's not personal!


Blogger Margie said...


So good to see you back online! I'm a bit worried, though, about your preference for smears. I understand that it's probably totally different on that end of it, but still! Would you consider taking blood as an alternative preference? At least that way you can target the guys too.

On a separate topic, we're probably heading back to Oz in August for a week or two. Would be great to see you.

PS Pitfinder seems to be losing his touch - beachya!

8:19 pm  
Blogger pitfinder said...

Well, sometimes I actually sleep. :-)

And all these wild Aussies post at such strange times. (Yeah, I know they're on the other side of the world, but what kind of an excuse is that?)


Smiles, hugs, all of it.

1:37 am  
Blogger Jade said...

We love you and you can be however you need to be...we'll still be here!

7:36 am  
Blogger marvin said...

i never realised you were in gp land already. if it is anything like the land of chocolate in homer's daydreams then you're one lucky person.

6:30 pm  
Blogger Rach said...

i suspect its not so much like the land of chocolate :)

and good to see postage :)

and yes, i am lagging badly behind

hugs and all that :) :)

3:18 pm  

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