The Great Ocean Road

Matt and I have been off on a bit of a drive and overnight camp along the great ocean road. We first drove to Logans beach via the inland road. There we stood on a whale watching platform until we saw the southern right whale. My first wild whale experience - there were surfers out there in the freezing water, and it looked like fun - apart from the freezing bit. We then drove out along the great ocean road, stopping to photograph every bit of cliff we could.... By the time we got to the 12 apostles (or the 8 that remain) we were almost over pretty cliff rocks. Will take us a fair while to actually develop the black and white films, and then I'll only be able to get them up here if I manage to get my hands on a scanner - which I am working on.
After this we camped in Otway National Park. Which is somewhere I could spend a lot more time. There are lots of great walks and things to see, and it was lovely. Best done in winter, because there were hardly any people there - which was nice. We did a few of the walks before we had to keep going on the great ocean road back to Melbourne.
The picture here is the business card of where we stopped for lunch. Very yummy flathead fillets and chips and greek salad! We had to get their card and put a picture here for Matt's parents.... we felt it was in keeping with the spirit of stopping at places like "Sexy Coffee" on the sunshine coast.
We rushed back to Melbourne in order to get to someone's house to watch State of Origin. An adrenalin packed game as the video ref did his best to help the blues by making completely outrageous calls. Despite his best efforts though, queensland came through:) Very exciting.
This is a kind of dull post for what has actually been a lovely few days, perhaps I will write something better later. Have lots on my mind at the moment as am trying to choose which GP practices to work at next year..... *sigh* I hate this time of year, doing resumes, finding references etc.
This post isn' ;-) (just kidding!) Let's see those pictures!
So you've suddenly gotten nosey? (I couldn't resist.) :-)
You still never told us why FlourMan gets upset about plastic bags in the sink.
E-mail should be done bouncing. I sent one to make sure.
Oooo! If you say this out loud it sounds like something lots of people here would like to do to our President. (Impeach 'em)
had a very fun trip. It was a bit rushed, but I did like apollo bay.
I think I did explain the sink thing as best I could, but I don't remember where....
didictlz - did he eat the caltzone?
now i'm jealous, i want to see the great ocean road too! i can't wait to see some photos
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