Kirsten and Scott

Some of my favourite people in the world got married last weekend. Scott (a wonderful, intelligent, kind man) and Kirsten (my sister, need I say more, she's related to me, by default she must therefore be marvelous). Here is a photo of them giggling their way through their ever so solemn wedding vows (I'm sure they still meant them).
It has been a busy week since the wedding. Tuesday I went to work thinking "I'm so exhausted from the weekend, I hope today is an easy day". Naturally I was working from 8am-9pm, and I was kind of on my own. The other O&G res called in sick as did two of the paeds residents.... I can assure you, it was not the easy day I had hoped for. Never mind, I survived as did all my patients, and I count that as a successful week.
Tonight I have had a lovely evening. We had our own "thai-style beef salad". We picked lots of baby lettuce, rocket, baby spinach, coriander, dill, mint and parsley from my garden. We topped it with carrot and capsicum. We seared a steak marinated in fish sauce and oyster sauce so it was cooked on the outside and rare on the inside. We sliced it up into thin slices using our japanese sushimi knife and placed it on the salad and topped it with a dressing made of fish sauce, palm sugar, lemon, spring onion, garlic, chilli and oregano. It was delicious! And it felt so nice to be eating all those things from my garden:) I even had a homebrew cider with it. I feel relaxed and happy to not be working the weekend:)

In some sad news, the coat I bought and loved so dearly (I was so grateful for the cold weather because I had an excuse to buy a beautiful coat) came apart at the seams and i had to take it back to the shop. They had no more in my size so I had to get my money back and now I have no coat. Here is a picture of the coat I had to say goodbye to.
I have been shopping today for a coat today, but have still not decided on one. Not really that important in the grand scheme of things, unless I decide it really is important to be warm.
I know this is a bit of a dull post, but that's the way it is some days!
Your salad sounds tasty (except for the fish sauce)
Your sister, despite being related to you, looked marvellous. ;) *eep* i should post this anonymously now...
*grr* to other residents. evil beings.
Congrats on the wedding!
Sorry about the coat.
Somehow I'd imagined you as taller.....:-)
(ducks and runs for cover)
Well you can't taste the fish sauce as a separate entity... I must have a pick on bec sign on me today! :)
I have to admit pitfinder, I am short! But in my defense the photo is taken with the little camera built into my computer, so the angle does make that a bit exaggerated! All my other friends who have seen me in real life are forbidden to comment:)
Aw, what a lovely coat! I appreciate good coats too, in fact it's mandatory up here. Your sister looks beautiful, what a special day to share with them...and the description of that salad is spurring me on to think about ticket buying! Then I can see for myself how short you are... ;)
Not a dull post at all- your account of the salad you made has me dreaming of tomorrow's dinner already!
yes, sally, you need to work on sounding anonymous as well as posting anonymously!
kirsten and scott looked very happy :)
shame about the coat :( whats the point of living in melbourne if you can't own a coat?
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