Very Sad
My computer is about 10 days out of warranty. It died. It doesn't turn on. It doesn't do anything:( My beautiful iMac G5 has failed me. I will not be online very much. I am quite depressed. This is not a good time to have to pay to get things like this fixed - not with an impending move and all the extra costs that brings with it. Very sad Bec. The house seems empty without it.
*hugs* There will be other computers. Life will go on! You must stay strong!
Ouch. Sorry to hear it... both that your computer died and that you won't be online much. I hope it's only something simple that needs replacing. Good luck :)
Oh no! Thats a total bummer babe! Hope it's not for too long...
It appears that these machines have problems with the power supply.
Go HERE to read more.
some things become obsolete
some things are timeless
unfortunately planned obsolescence is one of the things that seems to have become enduring
sorry, hope it gets fixed any friends close that can take a peek at it?
My computer is still at the shop, awaiting someone to look at it and diagnose it's disease. People would be so mad if we kept them waiting for this many days in emergency... :) Thanks for everyone's sympathy and helpful weblinks
years ago, my cutting edge G4 died, and i went back to PC..haven't looked back...not helpful I know..any cinnamon goodies left to get you through the day? I've noticed this brand of mint that does cinnamon these days, have you seen them? If you haven't I shall be more specific next time about brand name. Otherwise I recommend breaking into the morphine supply cabinet...wonderful stuff, especially in a hospital environment.
so is it back? Fixed?
Miss you:)
Well the blog world feels empty without you!
miss you girl,totally agree with Jadey need you back:(
Thank you for making me feel missed! The cinnamony goodness are still lasting me - I am savouring them a few every day. They are all delicious and wonderful. I am very grateful.
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