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Just me and my thoughts, most of them silly.

Location: brisbane, queensland, Australia

I am a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a friend. Sometimes I am good at these things, sometimes I am not.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

The last days of O&G

Well work the last two nights has kept me busy enough that I didn't get time to post on my blog either night. I am quite sad about that, as I wanted to get to work on my other blog, but right now I don't have the energy for it. I am tired. Work last night was exhausting. By 4am I was devastated to realise I still had another 4 hrs to go. We'd already managed to have a MET call (Medical Emergency Team - sort of a level before a code blue - means you need urgent assistance and a bunch of doctors run up from the emergency) on an FBC pt (family birth centre - meaning a midwife pt that I didn't have anything to do with until it was an emergency) for a PPH (post partem haemorrhage - that is after bub delivered, mum just kept bleeding) which had been stressful enough. By the time all the people arrived, I had already put in two large bore (16 guage) cannulas and she was starting to come good (yay, pt recovering consciousness). Then there was just the constant underlying stress of a CTG that looked a little flat and non-reassuring. I just wanted to go home.

The night before was probably a little better, except I had to deal with a bit of nonsense from emergency. Sorting out a patient they'd admitted under O&G but hadn't actually told me about, and when I went to see her she didn't actually have what they said she had and I had to sit down with the pt for ages sorting her out and counselling her. And it was a patient that should have been met at the door and sent home. Then it turned out because emerg hadn't handed the patient over to me (as in the doctor who saw her had gone home by the time I discovered I had a pt there - incidently I found out when my consultant rang and asked me about her and I looked dumb because I knew nothing), I didn't know the anaesthetist had been called in for the next day's unneccessary procedure. Which means I didn't ring the anaesthetist and tell him that it wasn't on because the patient was normal, which meant he turned up and he was the only one who did and he wasn't too happy (which I found out last night when my consultant rang me and said "you didn't cancel the anaesthetist - he came in for the procedure". I had to explain that I had no idea the anaesthetist had ever been told about the procedure.

NO more O&G! Holidays for two weeks:)

You live and learn. I won't be posting for a while - I'm going skiing:) I doubt I will have internet access. So everybody have a good week:)


Blogger pitfinder said...

Huzzah! 2 Weeks off, where's the PARTY!

Enjoy the snow a little more just for me, I like snow.

I got here first again, Geek luck I guess. :-)

html.toe.url (geek)

4:13 pm  
Blogger earthkissed said...

You got here freakily fast, I'd only just posted!

4:19 pm  
Blogger Rach said...

have fun - i'll try not to be too jelous :)
and look forward to seeing you when you come to brissie!
of course, you may well be in brisbane by the time you get this lol

7:57 pm  
Blogger appletopping said...

enjoy the snow. :)

1:04 am  
Blogger pitfinder said...

I thought it might be fun if I came by here and posted some comments while you're gone. I don't have anything important to say, I'm just leaving this like the way junk mail piles up if you're not there to trash it every day. :-)

Oh, and, you're pre-approved!

(silly grin)

1:35 pm  
Blogger Jade said...

Good idea Pitfinder...lets poke around and read her diary...oh, wait, we already are!

9:49 am  
Blogger pitfinder said...

Act Now!
Supplies are Limited!

You may already be a Winner!

Please do not discard.

Do they send junk mail in Australia?
About 80% of the stuff that arrives in my mailbox is crap I don't want.

2:09 pm  
Blogger Jade said...

We have 'No Junk Mail' stickers for that.

8:03 pm  
Blogger pitfinder said...

I want that. We have the 'Do Not Call' list for phone solicitors, and it helps. But there are a couple things like papers that are nothing but want ads that weigh like half a kilo that I never read and always feel badly throwing in the trash that could stop.

11:11 am  
Blogger pitfinder said...

Do yo sometimes write long, confusing sentences? Are run-ons a problem?

There is a cure!
Act now!
Don't delay!
Call today for a special offer!

Just having a little fun at my own expense in that junk mail theme. :-)

6:46 am  

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