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Just me and my thoughts, most of them silly.

Location: brisbane, queensland, Australia

I am a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a friend. Sometimes I am good at these things, sometimes I am not.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Happy Birthday Baby

The clock ticks over to the 4 August, 00:01. What am I doing? Using suction, I am delivering (with the help of one of the kind GP obs) a 4.9kg baby. 00:04 baby delivered. Tonight I have been well and truly and ickily christened.

I have gone three months of an O&G term without ending up with blood or liquor on my clothes (with the exception of a particularly messy caesarean where my shoes, although covered, were slightly adversely affected). I had a whole three shifts left. Now let me start by saying, I usually wear my hair up in a knot on the back of my head. On nights I have this mistaken belief that I might lie down, so I tend to wear it in a plait so that I can sleep without it irritating me. Big mistake. I'm bending down, pulling out an earlier baby, and liquor streams out the sides of it in a huge gush that takes the bottom part of my plait by surprise. This same liquor then leaked off the bed where I was leaning across to try and deliver the placenta, and on to my slacks. Grr..

Then when I was doing the delivery that marked the start of August 4th, as I was trying to deliver the placenta, a little bleeder pulsed blood in a nice little arc on to my shoe and foot. I delivered the placenta and excused myself. Took my shoe and sockette off and washed them both. My beautiful, beautiful spider shoes, of course the white shoes. Still the blood did wash off them quite well...

Now I'm tired and icky. I have delivered three babies tonight. And inbetween have been busy doing little errands (successfully bled a little 6mo, thought I might have forgotten how, but I didn't).

I have been going non-stop pretty much since I got here 8 hours ago. I stopped and had a glass of water once because I was just desperately thirsty. Now I am stopping and having a hot drink. I don't feel like there's much point to lie down, as I happen to know there is a patient in need of assessment on her way to the hospital. I am very, very weary.

Here is what I am humming in my head at the moment:
Excerpt from Every Morning by The Cranberries
"The morning sun is in my eyes
It doesn't hide the lines
It does not bare
A great disguise
Happy birthday baby
Happy birthday

Every morning
Every morning in time
we're doing fine
Every morning
Every morning in time
we're doing fine"


Blogger Jere Forsyth said...

You so rock! You have my thoughts, and my prayors, plus, those are cool shoes! But maybe, not for running around in a place were it's messy! Maybe, just for hanging out! I hope you're as much a person as I read in your blog, because then, we live on a great planet! Peace, Jere :)

5:31 am  
Blogger pitfinder said...

I was just thinking how you deserve a break and now I can't get that stupid jingle from an old commercial out of my head. It was McDonalds I believe.

Maybe that's kind of connected since you did what sounds like fast food delivery all shift. :-)

I hope you get to relax soon.

1:07 pm  
Blogger Rach said...

Ew, that was icky! Hope the rest of your birthday has been cleaner :)

3:14 pm  
Blogger earthkissed said...

The rest of my birthday was good thank you. Thnx for the kind comment Jere. Pitfinder - it was a bit like fast food delivery... but less tips.

8:02 pm  
Blogger Sarah said...

I guess at least it's a fairly memorable start to your birthday!

Happy birthday for yesterday :)

12:02 pm  

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