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Just me and my thoughts, most of them silly.

Location: brisbane, queensland, Australia

I am a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a friend. Sometimes I am good at these things, sometimes I am not.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Breathe in Deep

Well I am currently sitting here listening to my new Laura Marling cd. I enjoyed the song of hers Jade posted so much, I felt inspired to buy the album, and I'm not sorry. I bought a lot of things yesterday, apparently after a very stressful exam that's what I do. Matt and I have now have a basketball, tennis rackets, tennis balls, new shirts (unrelated to sporting activities), new razors, and a new cd.

All the sporting equipment is because the park opposite us has a half basketball court on it, and just further down the road there is a tennis court you can use for free. We decided we're going to play sport.

I've been very random and tangential today and yesterday. On Saturday I had my big GP exam, followed by a bout of depression, followed by a lovely meal that Matt and his family prepared me. Unfortunately in a month I still have to do the clinical component of the exam (and you don't find out if you passed the first section before doing the next section and I don't think I get the results for ages). All I can say is I now hate multiple choice questions with a passion. In particular I hate "extended matching questions". Extended matching questions are the spawn of the devil. I know that may seem like an exaggeration, but let me give you an example of these. I won't make it medical.

EXAMPLE EXTENDED MATCH QUESTION (WARNING: will not appear on actual RACGP exam even though it's probably more relevent to my life than their questions)

"You were making chocolate souffle, when you got it out of the oven it sunk, what went wrong, choose only one option, choose the MOST likely answer"

a. you put it down on the table too hard
b. you did not beat the egg whites long enough
c. You beat the eggs for too long
d. you did not use good enough quality chocolate
e. you put in too much chocolate
f. you didn't beat the egg yolks and the sugar together well enough
g. you had the oven too hot
h. you had the oven on fan forced
i. you didn't have the oven on fan forced
j. you had the oven too low
k. you left them in the oven too long
l. you didn't leave them in the oven long enough
m. you didn't beat the eggwhites by hand in a copper bowl like Elizabeth David says you're supposed to
n. you mixed the eggwhites through the rest of the mixture instead of folding them through
o. you used metal ramikens
p. you used ceramic ramikens
q. you didn't make it when the moon was full
r. you opened the oven while it was baking instead of leaving it shut
s. you made a double batch
t. you didn't pray to Santa Marta (Patron saint of cooking and some other stuff)
u. you forgot to put the creme de menthe (or contreau) in it
v. you put too much creme de menthe
w. you shut the oven door too hard when you put them in
x. you accidently breathed on them when you got them out
y. you burnt the chocolate when you were melting it
z. it was just bloody bad luck and there is no rhyme or reason to souffles


I don't practice medicine on a one sentence history, I take a real history. Why should the exam be different?
The end

Breathe in, hold, let the weekend go, exhale.
Repeat as necessary.

Today I'm dedicating this song to the people who wrote the exam, they should consider adopting it as their theme (although they can skip the "I do it all for free" line as it was nowhere near free!!!!). For those who've never heard it, enjoy the violins, they're awesome.
Voltaire - When You're Evil


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bec,

I can't listen to the song cause I'm at work. But I will listen to it later.

The exam sounds like it really sucked. I can't believe there was A-Z.

Doing some sport sounds like a great way to get some stress relief. Perhaps you should also consider setting up a punching bag as well!

I have been getting Geoff to do a lot of deep breathing lately too. He is having a horrendous time at uni at the moment.

Hope things pick up for you. :-)


7:31 am  
Blogger pitfinder said...

Like the song, though I think it might be the theme-song of a girl I dated once.... :-)

What ever happened to my favorite test question answer, "All of the above"?

So instead of good doctors they want to pass good test takers? Sounds like something we'd do.

4:06 pm  
Blogger Rach said...

Poor bec, i DIDN'T know they made those sheets in a - z -> thats compeletely ridiculous!

Hope u passed though, even with the stupid stupid questions

Hopefully the clinical examiny bit is better!

I fully support the IDEA of u two doing exercise, and am fully confident that you'll get into for at LEAST a couple of weeks :D

The song was awesome, loved the violins, they were indeed fabulous

And sry i havn't responded to any posts for ages, apparenly, when i kept looking at ur unupdated blog i was looking at an old cached version - whoops!

7:59 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoever invented extended multiple choice quiestions should have very nasty things done to them! I zoned out at about (h). That is just too much choice for one question, what is the point of that? Why bother, they should have short answer instead. Oh but yeah, that would be harder (and more expensive) for them to mark. Silly RACGP. You have my sympathy, you poor thing! And I'll be joining you in the post-exam depression no doubt. I just did a practice slides exam and got a whopping 10/20. Not even close to passing :(

3:15 am  
Blogger appletopping said...

*hug* your exam was *horrible*! When do you find out about it? *hug*

8:59 pm  
Blogger earthkissed said...

Thanks to everyone for listening to me whinge and being sympathetic. I don't find out until July I don't think. *hug* to Becky, you'll make it, I know you will!

8:38 pm  
Blogger Jade said...

Sounds tres annoying! But Im glad to hear you got the CD, isn't she great?

11:10 am  

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