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Just me and my thoughts, most of them silly.

Location: brisbane, queensland, Australia

I am a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a friend. Sometimes I am good at these things, sometimes I am not.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

To dance in autumn rain?

As I ramble through this jungle
My brain is dimly aware
That the rain is beating
An insistent rhythm of life
Upon the earth
Struggling to bring
The smell of newness
The smell of freshness
To a world full of rubbish
And not enough dirt

I feel polluted
The desire to put myself
Under that stream of life
That pours from the heavens
Is overwhelming
Will it wipe these cobwebs?
Will I dream again?
Will the words free themselves from my heart?
So that my mouth is not mundane?

But it is not steamy
Like the rain from home
It does not hit with a sizzle on the hot road
It is cold and penetrating
Urging us to remain cozy
And my bones are tired
From the sound of midnight
And I miss my chance
To dance in autumn rain


Blogger Rach said...

I have fond memories of walks in brisbane downpours.....

2:16 pm  
Blogger earthkissed said...

Me too, and in the end I did cave to the desire. At 1am I went and got matthew out of bed, explaining that we needed to dance in the little bit of rain that was left. So with free abandon, giggling like small children, we ran out into our backyard and ran around crazily and spinning. Then we ran inside, dried our feet and jumped into bed to try and defrost!

3:00 pm  

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