Does anyone have a solution?
I have an IT problem, and I am computer illiterate. I have an apple, so my mail program is "mail" (I don't think it has another name). Anyway, it has recently decided (despite no changes to my yahoo settings or to my mail settings on my computer), despite having worked well since I first set it up months ago, to download multiple (try 40 of the first email it ever did it on) copies of all my emails from the yahoo server. Doesn't seem to be recognising that it's already got the emails. I don't want to delete emails off the server, I like having access to old emails when I'm not at home, it makes me feel safe. Does anybody (or their lovely IT-competent husbands for my friends who have those - which is nearly everyone except me!) know what I can do to fix this? Remember, instructions must be very dumbed down and relevant to apples (macs, not the edible granny smith one's). Thanks!
I was also going to post a photo of a cool spider which was a guest in my house before I moved it to the yard but I can't get it to upload. Will have to try again later because I don't know what kind of spider it was and I'd love help identifying it. When i found it, it was eating another spider of approximately similar size. It was of a similar shape and size to a white tailed spider but it was all black and white stripes except the front legs which were a beautiful bright orange. It was far more nimble than a redback - it was able to climb plastic which the redback could not (so I guess it had some kind of cool feet that meant it gripped better). I'll put the photo up next time I'm blogging, but if you have any ideas what kind of spider it was, or where online would be a good place to search, let me know. A spider book is sadly one of the one's missing from my "what ____ is that?" style book collection. I have very comprehensive australian fish, reptile and bird books. I do so like to know little creature's names!
I was also going to post a photo of a cool spider which was a guest in my house before I moved it to the yard but I can't get it to upload. Will have to try again later because I don't know what kind of spider it was and I'd love help identifying it. When i found it, it was eating another spider of approximately similar size. It was of a similar shape and size to a white tailed spider but it was all black and white stripes except the front legs which were a beautiful bright orange. It was far more nimble than a redback - it was able to climb plastic which the redback could not (so I guess it had some kind of cool feet that meant it gripped better). I'll put the photo up next time I'm blogging, but if you have any ideas what kind of spider it was, or where online would be a good place to search, let me know. A spider book is sadly one of the one's missing from my "what ____ is that?" style book collection. I have very comprehensive australian fish, reptile and bird books. I do so like to know little creature's names!
I tried looking up spiders but got too freaked out...
apples are evil. have you run an updated virus check or something? (i'm a pleb)
for the spiders, maybe you could see if your local library can get a copy of this cdrom aus spider book
for the macmail i don't know, you could try the program here it may work for you. (and you never know, there could be some IT competent wives reading your blog too:) i know i had that same problem once with a pc. i had to delete the local hard drive copy of the mail folder and download them all again from the server. this was annoying because it took a while to download again, but was the only way short of hand deleting them all. or maybe if you got real creative you could write a script (or ask someone to write you one) that could take your email folder file from your hard drive and scan it for multiple copies and delete the sections that are copies. that would take a bit of work though... and you'd have to find a way to get your email folder (which is most likely a few hundred Mb) to this person. hopefully the script above will work for you, i don't know how to install it or anything, but the webpage seems to tell you things you need to know. *but* MAKE A COPY OF YOUR MAIL FOLDERS BEFORE DOING ANYTHING. and don't let your mail program check mail in between when you make a backup copy and run the script. you'll have to find the mail folders somehow, i have no idea where they are on a mac. good luck and may the force be with you :)
p.s. - i take no responsibility for your actions or any consequences that result from anything i may or may not have said, unless it works out well:) the person who wrote the script might like a thank you email.
I don't have other emails apart from yahoo, but it's not happening to matthew (who has a UQ email address).
Grant - I looked through those programs, and it just deletes the email after they arrive, I want to stop using all my downloading limit, downloading the email heaps of time. I couldn't understand how to do the second bit you said. I will have to try the local library!
that's a bigger problem than i thought. i suspect becky is right, it's the yahoo server connection. somehow your computer and the server are not talking properly to let the server know that your computer already has the copies of earlier mail. if you can talk to yahoo help that might help you out and if they get stuff fixed up, then the script on that link i posted will only be of use to clean all the copies up afterward. other than that i have no idea.
hope you get a solution before you use up your quota.
Did it get fixed? I hope so :) I would love to help, but the reason i didn't get an apple laptop is because matthew doesn't know *anything* about apples, and i rely on him for all my computer isses :(
Hope its sorted!
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