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Just me and my thoughts, most of them silly.

Location: brisbane, queensland, Australia

I am a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a friend. Sometimes I am good at these things, sometimes I am not.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

A tiny bit restless

Last night I was utterly amazed, that after working a week of nights, and sleeping most of the day away, I was able to go to bed and sleep the whole night through. I thought I must be blessed with a very easy to reset clock. Now that it is 2.30am in the morning and I have been to bed 3 or 4 times, I am starting to think I may have had that thought a little bit too early. However I have come up with a few solutions.

First, I have a small headache, so I have decided to take something for it. My first thought was paracetamol. Unfortunately the only paracetamol I can find in the house is children's liquid paracetamol, that I once bought because I had a sore throat. That's not really a problem, I'd be happy to take it, except, embarrassingly, I can't actually get the child-proof lid off. STOP LAUGHING. It's actually a real problem. For some reason any childproof lid where you have to push the lid in and twist, never works for me. Squeezing sides is fine, those I can do, pushing lids in - I just end up with a sore hand. Right now for instance my hand feels like it has carpet burn because I push in and I try to twist, and then I push harder and try to twist, and the bloody thing doesn't move. So I had to move to the second choice of asprin. Now as we all know, you shouldn't have things like asprin on an empty stomach if you can avoid it. Usually people would recommend milk if you weren't going to eat. I don't particularly like milk. However I have found a milk type product which I thought would do the job. So I have taken my dissolvable asprin, and now I am drinking bailey's. Damn that paracetamol.

Secondly, the list of ideas and jobs in my head need to be written down. Otherwise I'm just going to keep thinking of them. They just keep running through my head "book a hotel in Canberra" "get a present for Jasmine" "look up places to stay while skiing" "convince my brother and his family to meet me at Dubbo to go to the zoo".... Over and over they run through my head. That's it. I've written my list. I've checked I have the things I need for Jasmine's present. I'm going to trial the bed again. I think maybe Cecil is finding this a bit disruptive to his sleep... I do feel bad. Maybe tomorrow I'll be a good girl and go for a walk with him.


Blogger marvin said...

so you're making a list and checking it twice, to see who's been naughty or nice? :) this doctor thing and doing nights is really just a cover for your nocturnal jaunts with santa claus isn't it? you can't fool me, your secret's out now mrs claus.

11:08 am  
Blogger appletopping said...

*poke poke*

i hope it worked, whether or not it was healthy for ya. ;)

3:55 pm  
Blogger earthkissed said...

I only had a little bit of baileys... I did manage to get to sleep not _too_ long after that. And today I went for a walk (Despite the horribly hot weather) to try and tire myself out so I would sleep tonight.

5:03 pm  
Blogger Rach said...

all this talk of baileys makes me go want to have a drink!

Hope you are enjoying your days off and getting some rest (and a reset body clock :) )

8:16 pm  
Blogger timmar said...

Mmmm, Baileys *drools*

And I had so much trouble getting the childproof cap off my parents dishwasher liquid. It was embarassing.

Anyway, I also echo the sentiments of rach, hope you're enjoying a few days of relaxation and the likes.


12:54 pm  

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