Ski Trip Photos - dusk/sunset
When we went skiing we took our rolleiflex medium format camera and we had some slide film in it. Some of the photos were quite cool, so we got them printed and I have scanned them into the computer. They have lost something in the process (the colours were quite brilliant in the slide film, it is particularly good with the blues and purples compared to normal film IMHO), but I still like the photos. The first lot I'll put up will be all the dusk/sunset photos.

I like the second photo - very pretty. :)
oops, and like becky said, it coulda been a ramp up to a truck, or maybe to help with dipping cattle (mekiel's farm used to use one like it for that)
ok, i was going to suggest that it was for cattle dipping/treatments, but i also like the truck idea
Fantastic photos Bec. Loved the purplely tree one especially.
They also use those cattle yards for branding cows.
that's some great fractal scenery you've captured in the dusk
The truck thing is a good idea. Glad people liked the pictures, I have to admit that most (if not all of them) were taken by Matt, but I'm sure I would have done just as fantastic a job if I'd been holding the camera:)
We're sure you would have too, so we'll go right on crediting you with them :)
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