Spring Roll People
Last night I had a dream that I was at a spring roll festival. All the girls were dressed up as spring rolls (well I think they literally had spring roll pastry on them). And they were trying to win a prize for the most beautiful spring roll. They were sitting around having conversations that went like this:
Springroll girl 1: I don' t think I could ever eat a spring roll again. Not that I know how it feels to be one, I think it would just be wrong - you know?
Springroll girl 2: I know how you feel. It'd be kind of like eating yourself. Plus I never realised before what spring rollsl have to go through - I mean all the rolling in the ocean
Springroll girl 3: I don't know, I think maybe I could eat a vegeterian springroll - so long as I knew it was from a different part of the country - I feel like I know all the local springrolls now.
Springroll girl 4(which also happened to be me): They'll go extinct if we don't eat them!
Seriously it just went on and on in this inane little "is it eating ourselves?" way. Then there was this initiationn that everyone had to do, where you let these big ocean waves carry you away and they eventually take you to Wisdom's houseboat and you have to blow out her kerosene lamp and then throw yourself back in the water, and if you did it right, the waves take you close enough back to the sure to be dragged back in. Unfortunately when I did it, I tried to blow it out but i accidently pulled part of the bottom off and kerosene went all over the floor and caught on fire, so I went to the front door and I threw the lamp off the boat, then I went back and tried to put the fire out with a wet teatowel (I think I succeeded). Then I threw myself off the boat - I got back to shore, but no thanks to the people there.
Things get very confusing in my dreams. Later on in it I got into a big fight with four of the parents from this children's performance (two of them it was because I booed their children and one of them it was because the parent thought I deliberately tripped him over - but I swear it was an accident).
Oh well. It's sad when nothing is happening in your real life so you have to update your blog with what happened when you were asleep...
Springroll girl 1: I don' t think I could ever eat a spring roll again. Not that I know how it feels to be one, I think it would just be wrong - you know?
Springroll girl 2: I know how you feel. It'd be kind of like eating yourself. Plus I never realised before what spring rollsl have to go through - I mean all the rolling in the ocean
Springroll girl 3: I don't know, I think maybe I could eat a vegeterian springroll - so long as I knew it was from a different part of the country - I feel like I know all the local springrolls now.
Springroll girl 4(which also happened to be me): They'll go extinct if we don't eat them!
Seriously it just went on and on in this inane little "is it eating ourselves?" way. Then there was this initiationn that everyone had to do, where you let these big ocean waves carry you away and they eventually take you to Wisdom's houseboat and you have to blow out her kerosene lamp and then throw yourself back in the water, and if you did it right, the waves take you close enough back to the sure to be dragged back in. Unfortunately when I did it, I tried to blow it out but i accidently pulled part of the bottom off and kerosene went all over the floor and caught on fire, so I went to the front door and I threw the lamp off the boat, then I went back and tried to put the fire out with a wet teatowel (I think I succeeded). Then I threw myself off the boat - I got back to shore, but no thanks to the people there.
Things get very confusing in my dreams. Later on in it I got into a big fight with four of the parents from this children's performance (two of them it was because I booed their children and one of them it was because the parent thought I deliberately tripped him over - but I swear it was an accident).
Oh well. It's sad when nothing is happening in your real life so you have to update your blog with what happened when you were asleep...
That's so cool. You have passed the secret test of the ultra secret, 'Keepers of the Ultra-Secret Secret' clan. Now my spring roll, you may collect your prize by sending an email to keepersoftheultrasecretsecret@hotmail.com for further instruction. But, you must avoid falling into the pit of sweet and sour sauce and being devoured for ever!
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