Disappointment, as defined by Bec "planning a kayak trip for ages for when you're 23 weeks pregnant because soon you'll be too fat to kayak and after that you'll have a small baby and won't be able to kayak, spending your entire day off packing everything into dry bags and shopping for those final things you need, then receiving a phone call from the EPA to say that they have closed the upper Noosa River because of a weather event (ie some flooding)"
Matt and I both organised to have friday off so we could drive up close to where we were going on the Thursday night, stay in a cheap hotel and then kayak off in the morning. Apart from the pest of coordinating a day off like that, this was kind of my last chance, my last hoorah before my life is consumed by parenthood. We had organised to hire some nice fibreglass kayaks from Rosco - a local family business. We had borrowed Matt's parents 4WD. I had borrowed some lures to catch bass with from my boss. Had borrowed my brother's favourite rod and reel. We had booked the campsite (campsite 8) - only accessible by kayak

I had bought freeze dried food that you just rehydrate with hot water seeing as we had limited space and weren't going to be able to keep things cold - amongst many other foods and camping things we bought.
And finally on my day off on Thursday, whilst Matt worked, I gathered everything together, checked and rechecked lists, packed things into dry bags. All the while dutifully not watching the news, not reading the internet, interrupting my brother when he tried to tell me that the sunshine coast was flooded and not listening to the radio, because I didn't want to hear anything that would stop me from going, because this was kind of my last chance. If only I hadn't answered my phone either....
After throwing my 1-2 hour temper tantrum, I did calm down somewhat and manage to have a nice weekend. Friday Matt and I started driving to the sunshine coast hinterland, but stopped at Alma Park Zoo instead (we didn't get very far). We then meandered homeward. The next day we went to the kayak demonstration day that Rosco had so we could try all their different kayaks. Matt fell in love with the arctic raider. I got mildly sunburnt. Oops. Matthew tipped the kayak over and went in the water whilst trying to "edge" (whatever that means). That was incredibly funny and certainly one of my highlights from the day. Personally I stayed in wider, shorter, stabler kayaks and didn't try anything fancy. Matt looked like he had more fun. I still enjoyed myself but when you're really not very experienced (ie not at all experienced) and there are heaps of experienced kayakers standing on the shore watching you try the kayak, including the guy who makes the kayaks and has been doing so since the '60's, I find that a little less of a comfortable situation, which is why hiring them and taking them away and having fun with them out of the watchful eye of others seemed a better plan.

We went and looked at Matt's brother's house which is currently being built and the display house that shows us the finished product. Then we had lunch with Matt's dad and aunt at a yummy seafood restaurant at Scarborough.
Sunday was more of a lazy day where Matt went to uni to work, and I went to church and then flitted about having coffee with people.
Today I woke up felt like I must have put on 100kgs since getting pregnant, so stepped on my wii fit (which is the only set of "scales" I have at home) to see how bad it was and it told me I'd gained 1.8kg since getting pregnant, but I think it was just being kind, I suspect they really aren't the most accurate way to weigh yourself, but seeing as it had a before weight recorded, it seemed the easiest way.
Still trying not to think of the adventure fun that could have been this weekend.
Matt and I both organised to have friday off so we could drive up close to where we were going on the Thursday night, stay in a cheap hotel and then kayak off in the morning. Apart from the pest of coordinating a day off like that, this was kind of my last chance, my last hoorah before my life is consumed by parenthood. We had organised to hire some nice fibreglass kayaks from Rosco - a local family business. We had borrowed Matt's parents 4WD. I had borrowed some lures to catch bass with from my boss. Had borrowed my brother's favourite rod and reel. We had booked the campsite (campsite 8) - only accessible by kayak

I had bought freeze dried food that you just rehydrate with hot water seeing as we had limited space and weren't going to be able to keep things cold - amongst many other foods and camping things we bought.
And finally on my day off on Thursday, whilst Matt worked, I gathered everything together, checked and rechecked lists, packed things into dry bags. All the while dutifully not watching the news, not reading the internet, interrupting my brother when he tried to tell me that the sunshine coast was flooded and not listening to the radio, because I didn't want to hear anything that would stop me from going, because this was kind of my last chance. If only I hadn't answered my phone either....
After throwing my 1-2 hour temper tantrum, I did calm down somewhat and manage to have a nice weekend. Friday Matt and I started driving to the sunshine coast hinterland, but stopped at Alma Park Zoo instead (we didn't get very far). We then meandered homeward. The next day we went to the kayak demonstration day that Rosco had so we could try all their different kayaks. Matt fell in love with the arctic raider. I got mildly sunburnt. Oops. Matthew tipped the kayak over and went in the water whilst trying to "edge" (whatever that means). That was incredibly funny and certainly one of my highlights from the day. Personally I stayed in wider, shorter, stabler kayaks and didn't try anything fancy. Matt looked like he had more fun. I still enjoyed myself but when you're really not very experienced (ie not at all experienced) and there are heaps of experienced kayakers standing on the shore watching you try the kayak, including the guy who makes the kayaks and has been doing so since the '60's, I find that a little less of a comfortable situation, which is why hiring them and taking them away and having fun with them out of the watchful eye of others seemed a better plan.

We went and looked at Matt's brother's house which is currently being built and the display house that shows us the finished product. Then we had lunch with Matt's dad and aunt at a yummy seafood restaurant at Scarborough.
Sunday was more of a lazy day where Matt went to uni to work, and I went to church and then flitted about having coffee with people.
Today I woke up felt like I must have put on 100kgs since getting pregnant, so stepped on my wii fit (which is the only set of "scales" I have at home) to see how bad it was and it told me I'd gained 1.8kg since getting pregnant, but I think it was just being kind, I suspect they really aren't the most accurate way to weigh yourself, but seeing as it had a before weight recorded, it seemed the easiest way.
Still trying not to think of the adventure fun that could have been this weekend.
Stupid weather.
Glad you salvaged some good times on your weekend off.
The adventure probably would have been you trying to catch the tent and kayaks after your campsite got flooded. Or maybe the helicopter ride after the search and rescue people found you...
Good to hear that your weekend was salvageable! :)
Have a fantastic easter. :)
Sorry to hear your trip didn't eventuate. I would have thrown a good temper tantrum too!
We have been meaning to do the Upper Noosa River too... hasn't happened yet. We are planning a kayaking trip for sometime this coming weekend; not sure where to go though since there are so many flooded creeks around.
And Bec, I bet any money I would have fallen out of that kayak! It looks so wobbly. I like my sit-on top that is stable, but still streamline enough to get some speed up.
:-) El
awww, still glad you had some fun!!!
/scolds you for getting sunburnt though :D
elizabeth had the same thoguhts i did though :D
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