Fourth trimester
Joshua is 6 months old now and a beautiful happy content boy. Despite the fact that he fed all the time (at least every 2 hours even overnight) for the first 4 months it has seemed easier. I think this was because this time I embraced the natural reliance a baby has on it's mother more. It's all in the expectation.
Some people call the first 3 months after birth the fourth trimester. Babies take awhile to adjust to the new environment outside their mother's wombs and have to deal with hunger, being too full, too noisy, too quiet and not being constantly with someone. Our culture says you need to teach them from day one to be on their own and settle on their own and I don't think that is right. This time I was more prepared to hold him the first 3 months, to have him in our room, to be everything to him. This is natural and the way most cultures work. There were moments where I grew weary but over all a smoother ride and a happy baby.

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Some people call the first 3 months after birth the fourth trimester. Babies take awhile to adjust to the new environment outside their mother's wombs and have to deal with hunger, being too full, too noisy, too quiet and not being constantly with someone. Our culture says you need to teach them from day one to be on their own and settle on their own and I don't think that is right. This time I was more prepared to hold him the first 3 months, to have him in our room, to be everything to him. This is natural and the way most cultures work. There were moments where I grew weary but over all a smoother ride and a happy baby.

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I love how he does the whole baby-koala thing on your back. He certainly does look happy. You're right though, I think the whole by-the-book approach in our culture creates unrealistic expectations and results in both babies and parents being less happy and more stressed than they need to be.
All that really matters is that your children know they're loved (and well cared for) and your kids definitely do.
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