Xander and ToTo
Toby is Xander's younger cousin. He is 8 days younger. Here are some photos of them together. For those who find all babies look alike - Xander is the one with the monster on his clothes (the extremely good looking baby - no bias here) and Toby (ToTo) is the one with the lion on his clothes (he's cute too). The bald babies at the end who now have pin feathers belong to Oscar and Pepper.
ToTo tried to hit Xander, but Xander just attempted to suck his arm.

ToTo tried to hit Xander, but Xander just attempted to suck his arm.

Awww. You know who my favourite is :)
Xander is so much cuter! :)
Oscar & Pepper's babies are looking actual-cute now, not just ugly-cute!
Of course Xander was always cute, that goes without saying :)
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